Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Uncle Ty

So, Haylee and I went to the hospital yesterday to spend the day with Mom and Tyler. As soon as I told Haylee we were going to see them, she got all ready and put her coat and shoes on. I told her we weren't leaving for a little while yet and she told me " I'm just getting ready for when I see Uncle Ty. Could you please do my hair? Uncle Ty has nice hair when I see him." How does she know this?! Anyway, we're at the hospital eating lunch with Mom. Mom had to go back and get some Ranch dressing for Haylee and she pushed all her food to the middle of the table and said, "I need to save this spot for Grandma, so that nobody steals her seat" oh my!! what a little mother we have! :)
We got home and Haylee was a little wound up after spending the whole day with Grandma and Uncle Ty, so she's flying around the living room doing dances and gymnastics. I have a metal chicken figure on a stand in my living room and she almost ran into it. She says "OH NO!!!! MOM!! I almost hatched a chicken!" I couldn't help it... it was soo funny! :)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously LOL!!! Haylee has the best Haylee-isms! she is hilarious!
    I had a great time at bow-ding today with you, thanks for subbing!
    Great Blog too, very cute!
